Rad Tech Week is Coming! It’s not too late to celebrate… read our popular HOW TO GUIDE to RAD TECH WEEK right here.
Rad Tech Week is one of my favorite weeks of the year. We get to celebrate the invention of the xray by Wilhelm Roentgen and the advancement of our profession!
Rad Tech Week Celebration
National Rad Tech Week is an annual event to recognize the essential work of radiologic technologists all over the country.
It is celebrated on the week of November 8 to commemorate the discovery of the X-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on November 8, 1895.
Roentgen was a German physicist and mechanical engineer.

Discovering the X-ray earned him the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901.
He was later honored for his accomplishments posthumously in 2004, when the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) named element 111, Roentgenium, after him.
Roentgenium is an extremely radioactive synthetic element with multiple unstable isotopes.
This Year’s Motto: Building on our History, Creating the Future (trademark ASRT)

The ASRT always hosts the annual event and has plenty of Celebration Kits that you can purchase ahead of time.
I typically buy one or two kits, depending on the size of my staff.
Rad Tech Week Schwag
Here is a Rad Tech Week Coin that I had made in 2014. The cost was paid for by Aureus Medical Staffing Company. It has all the modalities listed and we made about 200 of them.

Online Crossword Games and Puzzles
Since so many employers these days don’t celebrate Rad Tech Week, we here at the TRT Blog are going to do it online!
See our Rad Tech Week Crossword puzzles here.
I always have a cake baked in our hospital cafeteria. Make sure to schedule ahead of time to avoid last minute problems.
Cakes that feed 50-100 employees can be served our during lunch and dinner shifts. Let a Tech and Student share with hungry patrons what Rad Tech Week is while they enjoy a free slice of cake.

It is easy (and CHEAP) to decorate the employee lounge. Dollar store plastic table covers can be scribbled on with clever radiology quips and candy strewn about.

Print out some funny radiology-specific quotes and display them around the department.

There’s all kinds of pre-order wearables for Rad Techs on the internet. Take a few minutes to look around and you can find some cool stuff.