For more funny radiology technologist memes, visit: The X Ray Coach and The X Ray Lady
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Thanks for visiting our memes page. As technologists, ourselves, my wife and I love radiology memes and try to capture funny moments whenever they strike us. Most of the ones on this page I made myself as a radiology administrator but there are some that I borrowed from the internet. Some are the classics that every radiology memes page should have.
When I worked the night shift in a small hospital, I had way too much time on my hands. I surfed the internet, watched youtube videos and blogged to keep my mind busy. For a few years, I used that downtime to study for school. That, in my opinion, is what night shift is good for: studying and making extra shift differential cash.
If you have a meme that you think would be a great addition to this page, please email it to me: [email protected] and I will be happy to add it to the page when I get a chance. The same goes for videos and gifs. I have found a good website for converting MP4s and MOVs to Gifs which makes them run automatically on the page and keeps the quality decent.
Remember, all this stuff is completely sharable. In fact, I prefer you do. It would help us get the word out about our website. We don’t really advertise in any traditional way. Google auto-suggests websites to people if they have enough traffic. We’re not quite there yet but hope to be someday. You can help us by visiting often and sharing our content.
Anyway, feel free to comment. It would be nice to hear from someone. 🙂