Techniques for Identifying Inspected Lead Aprons in Rad Tech

Ensuring lead aprons have received their annual check is crucial to maintaining safety in radiology departments. However, developing a system to identify which aprons have been checked for the year can be challenging.

While colored dot stickers on the badge of the apron are one method, they may not always be visible enough. In this article, we explore various innovative techniques used by professionals in Red Tech.

The Dilemma of Identifying Checked Lead Aprons

Many radiology departments struggle to find a robust method for identifying lead aprons that have undergone their yearly inspection.

With hundreds of pieces across many departments, such as dental, OR, and procedure centers, it is crucial to find a system that is effective and easily recognizable.

In some institutions, there is a requirement to visually identify inspected lead aprons simply by walking by a rack.

Suggestions from Industry Professionals

Various professionals in the field have tried different methods, although none have proven to be foolproof.

  1. Numbering System: One common practice is assigning each lead piece a number and maintaining a sheet for each one. This sheet is then updated every year.
  2. Colored Plastic Rings: Some departments use colored plastic rings that change color with each inspection. This provides a quick, visual method to determine which aprons have been inspected.
  3. Super Strong Velcro Dots: Other facilities have opted for super strong Velcro dots as a method of marking.
  4. Colored Zip Ties: Another creative suggestion includes using colored zip ties looped through some part of the apron.
  5. Metal Tags: There are also metal tags available in the market that can be attached to the lead apron for marking.
  6. Apps: Several apps are available that allow for the logging of inspections. A QR code can be put on the lead apron, and one can then use their phone to check and verify the inspection status.
Innovative Techniques for Identifying Yearly Inspected Lead Aprons in Rad Tech


Identifying lead aprons that have undergone their annual inspection is a challenge many rad tech departments face.

However, various innovative methods are available, from using colored plastic rings to apps that allow for quick and efficient logging and verification.

By exploring and experimenting with these techniques, departments can find the best method for keeping track of inspected lead aprons.