This is one of the best home study radiography positioning aids I’ve enjoyed playing around with lately.
Here’s why.
“Mr. Bonez” helps you learn radiographic positioning by:
- Representing a 5-foot tall human skeleton
- Allowing students to visualize the bones they are imaging
- Joints are freely movable, allowing for numerous positions
- Made from tough, cleanable plastic
Thous Shalt Learneth on Your Owneth
Thanks to the Coronavirus, thousands of radiography students across the country are studying on their own now. Schools have closed leaving everyone with independent study, whether they like it or not.
Maybe the schools should refund for those months you are teaching yourself?
Yeah, right.
There’s only so much time your spouse can donate to your higher education. Pretty soon they will have better things to do than be your positioning guinea pig.
I have already uploaded lots of anatomy study guides and oodles of classroom quizzes to help students during this involuntary downtime.
But I couldn’t figure out how to help with learning radiographic positioning at home.
I kept trying to figure out a design for a portable xray machine made from cardboard boxes. Still working on that.

But then I realized a skeleton model for home use would be the other side of that equation.
Grove with Mista Bone
So I ordered Mr. Bonez from Amazon.
The price was very affordable, especially compared to the common price of textbooks these days.
Shipping was quick and before I could say “Quarantine sucks,” it arrived at my door.
Well, okay, not quite that fast. But you know how quick Amazon is with shipping.
I found it easy to move into sitting positions for lower limb positioning and hand xrays on a tabletop.
It will also stay up in standing positions when leaning against something sturdy. This helps with chest, shoulder, upper arm images, spines…you get the idea.
The movable parts include:
- shoulder joints
- elbow joints
- wrist joints
- knee joints
- mandible
You can even rotate his head for oblique mandibles!
Of course, everything can be done supine too.
So if you are looking for a partner to help with your radiographic positioning, look no further.
Your spouse/kids/dog will thank me.
Plus, who couldn’t use a pal to qualify for carpool lane usage?
Good luck and hang in there. 337,000 other people have already passed their ARRT boards.
You can too.
And yes, there was a Great White lyric reference in there.